Sunday, August 5, 2007

Introduction - or, Katey Gets Her Wish


This story started about two years ago. Kim's parents found the SeaCamper. It was sitting on its trailer, next to a consignment shop in Turin, Iowa. A "for sale" sign was in the window. They knew we were interested in houseboats, having just returned from a three day weekend houseboating on beautiful Lake Roosevent in central Washington. The next time we were visiting, we drove out, took a look at the SeaCamper (not a very good look, as will become clear!) and made the fateful purchase.

At this juncture, there are a few backstories that need to be told, and questions that should be answered. Like -
  1. How did Scott and Kim come to take that houseboating vacation on beautiful Lake Roosevent?
  2. Why did this story start two years ago, but this blog only starts now?
  3. What does the title to this post mean? Who is Katey?
  4. What 's a SeaCamper? What would one be doing in Turin?
  5. What's been up with the SeaCamper for the last two years?

All of these are excellent questions, and you may have more. If you do, please feel free to send them along. I will answer these questions, and any others you might have, as best I can.

I'll start with numbers 2 and 3 right now. This is the first post (hence Introduction) because it didn't occur to me to create a blog until Katey told me I should. I sent an email with several photos of the current state of the SeaCamper to my family, Katey, and the rest of her family. The resulting chain of replies, replies to all, etc. got a bit out of hand. Katey, in her next message, said, "You should start a Blog."

So, Katey gets her wish. That takes care of question number 2 and question number 3, first half. Second half of 3, answers to the other questions, some interesting links, and some photos will follow soon.

Thanks and welcome!